
Wedding photo booth at Villa Catignano - Dean & Cristina

This is a preview from the truly fabulous destination wedding of Dean & Christina in Siena, we are happy to present you with their … photo booth!
The bride was in charge of props and frames, while we provided the photographic entrainment with our popular white curtains photo booth set. The day was so hot and sunny that we only used the natural sunlight and we just played with the spontaneity of the situation. The location was the garden of Villa Catignano, full of charm and chic in the midst of the Siena countryside… everything just stunning!


  1. As I saw in your photographs, you choose a very different location for your wedding photographers and the way, you clicked the pictures is very good. So, keep clicking like this!

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  2. Lovely shots are these and what a great venue for a wedding? The choice of choosing the venue for wedding photography is very good and very different from others. So, thanks for this sharing.

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  3. Its such perfect click! Nice work you have done. I like your all images and really its amazing work dear. Continue it.

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  5. Really glad to see these amazing pics and Lovely Photographs of a Wedding. A skilled wedding photographer knows, as how to anticipate and capture situations that conveys those special feelings. You had selected the perfect theme for this photoshoot.

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